Made In China Hindi movie is a Bollywood comedy film, the Made In China movie is directed by Mikhil Musale, produced by Dinesh Vijan under Massock Films. Starring Rajkummar Rao, Mouni Roy, Boman Irani and explores the story of a Gujarati businessman played by Rajkummar Rao. Rajkummar Rao character in this movie is Raghu and Mouni Roy's character we be Rukmini, Raghu & Rukmini ar husband and wife. Made In China Hindi Movie Details Movie Name - Made In China Director - Dinesh Vijan, Sharada Karki Jlota Written by - Mikhil Musale, Karan Vyas, Parinda Joshi Dialogues - Niren Bhatt Story - Mikhil Musale, Karan Vyas, Parinda Joshi Music - Sachin-Jigar Production Company - Maddock Films, Jio Studios Release Date - 25 October 2019 Made In China Movie released date Made In China Movie released on 25 October 2019, on the occasion of Diwali. Made In China Movie Star Cast Rajkummar Rao as Raghuvir Mehta Mouni Roy as Rukmini Mehta Boman Irani as Dr. Va...
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